
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Another um interesting site to check out

***warning*** this site is not for those with a weak stomach!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Places You'll Go...

when you browse the Etsy forums!

I always find interesting links in the Etsy forums - especially in the etc. section. Here's one I cam across a few weeks ago:

check it out - it's a clean, fun site!

Monday, March 16, 2009

My Near Escape From My Most Embarrassing Moment at Work

Wow...that was close! Thank goodness no one was in the lunch room to see it.

Let me start by saying that I usually wear a skirt or dress to work. Believe it or not, they're more comfortable than the dress pants I usually find. This does mean I often have to wear a slip under said dress or skirt.

Today's skirt was black & unlined...needed the slip. No big deal; I remembered to wear it. Well, this afternoon, I walked into the lunch room to grab a cup of coffee and felt something under my foot. Wondered who dropped something and didn't pick it up. Glanced down to find my slip on the ground!!! That darn slip had slipped all the way off and I never felt a thing! I'm so glad that no one else decided to get a cup of coffee at the same time.

Time for a new slip!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Is spring here yet?

Well, we've had a snow filled winter in our town. Last year we had the 2nd snowiest winter on record and we're on track to beat that this year! We've have over 104 inches of snow this season. And I've got the winter blues. It's been dark & dreary; I've been cold and weary. I wish for sun & warmth...I hope that will energize me. About the only thing that doesn't stop working is my imagination. I still have dozens of things on my mental to-do list. I just need to find that incentive to actually do them.
I do have some book thongs made. I'm trying to come up with an imaginative way to photograph them. I have almost 1 1/2 dozen mini scarves knitted up as well. I'm debating on the kinds of button I want to use on those. And there again, I'm trying to come up with an imaginative way to photograph those.

If you have an idea for photographing, please let me know!